Adolescent Eating Disorder Support
Lexie and Jessica specialize in the treatment and support of adolescents & young adults (ages 8-24 years old) diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. The approaches described below are evidence-based and comprehensive in nature. We will work closely with clients as well as their support system- parents, grandparents, gaurdians, aunts & uncles, dietician, physician, or close friends- as we explore the many facets of their diagnosis and experience food and body freedom once and for all.
Anorexia Nervosa:
Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is the most effective way of treating anorexia in adolescents and young adults. Involving a support system (ideally parents & gaurdians, but grandparents, aunts, uncles, or close friends also can step into this role) is crucial in the recovery of you or your loved one. Weekly sessions with both the support system as well as you or your loved one individually to promote body acceptance, uncover poor self-esteem, acknowledge perfectionism, discuss the prior week’s struggles, and oftentimes discover what ultimately led to the eating disorder, are many of the areas we will focus on in our office. If you or your loved one is in the beginning stages of recovery, we are happy to refer you to, and work closely with, a dietician that specializes in eating disorders as well as work hand-in-hand with your primary physician regarding regular weigh-ins and to ensure stable vitals. Working as a team to ensure proper care will be of utmost importance as you make your way through this journey
Bulimia Nervosa
& Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D):
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E) is currently the most effective form of treatment for bulimia nervosa. Combining this with FBT (as described above) will allow you or your loved one to begin their journey toward recovery in the most effective way possible. Many people that struggle with Bulimia and B.E.D have previously existing low self-esteem that often stems from childhood events or experiences. Focusing on improving one’s self-esteem, exploring relevant past experiences, and doing co-occuring body acceptance work can often help relieve the symptoms of bulimia and allow you or your loved one to live freely and beYOUtifully.